February 2023



By Victoria Martin



Astrologer’s Almanac February 2023



Highlights February

February 2-4 FORECAST Many people detect a shrill mood. Expect resistance to science and innovation or restriction of freedom. ADVICE Eccentric, awkward, or unusual behavior is disorienting or criticized. Humor may not be appreciated even if it is badly needed. Sun Square Uranus

February 3-7 FORECAST Charismatic leaders aim to retain a loyal following with reasonable use of technology and science. ADVICE Worthwhile also is just the right touch of humanitarian advocacy and altruistic actions. That inspires trust. Full Moon Phase

February 15-17 FORECAST The most classic or traditional time of 2023 shows that it is advantageous to know the history and learn from it. ADVICE If possible, get to know experts, VIPs, and authority figures. Ask questions be consistent and play by the rules. Sun conjunct Saturn

February 18-22 FORECAST Visions of paradise creation and a wish to engage with idealist communities are compelling. ADVICE Relationships with others of similar hopes and wishes as well as a healthy personal body will support the good life. New Moon Phase

 Sunday, January 29                                                                       

All Day FORECAST It seems easy to apply wonder-working techniques. ADVICE Focus on heroic acts, beneficial effects, and good project choices. Sun trine Mars

All Day FORECAST Here’s a time for a creative spin on folklore or customs. ADVICE Explore any and all openings for innovation. Get info on raw materials for processing. Mercury trine Uranus



Monday, January 30

8:30 PM Monday-2:30 AM Tuesday CST FORECAST  There is huge respect for contracts, vows, and collaborations.  A show of strength makes sense. Here is a wide assortment of noble quests or heroic options to choose from. ADVICE All events now call for courage and muscle. Get strong. Enter the contest and have faith in yourself. Moon conjunct Mars

Tuesday, January 31

11:15 PM Tuesday -5:15 AM Wednesday CST FORECAST Expect lots of momentum even if talent or business productions run into a fog bank or snafu. ADVICE Conditions are more complex than anticipated! Clear out the spider webs and get back to basics. Clarify goals too! Moon square Neptune



Wednesday, February 1

4 AM-10 AM CST FORECAST It seems the perfect time to apply tradition and/or bring in an expert. ADVICE Emphasize the structure for the operation or have a fallback plan. Moon trine Saturn

Thursday, February 2

1 AM-7 AM CST F RECAST There may be more lucky options than are apparent. The initial info display or first impressions are not showing the best advantages. ADVICE A fresh, new take is a good move. New opportunities are good to use.  Moon square Jupiter 

4:15 AM-10:15 AM CST FORECAST Show biz talents and fun inclinations rule the situation. ADVICE Add the song and dance impulse. Make entertaining additions. Moon trine Venus



Friday, February 3

First of Five Days FORECAST Many people aim or ask for more personality in leadership. Expect lots of vying for attention! ADVICE Stay smart, be stoic, and settle for the realistic. Analyze options and choose who will have the most positive effect! Full Moon Phase

All Day FORECAST Surprises and lack of compliance favor novelty yet will need fixing/fitting as they emerge. A release of angst first is optimum for/at lessening the weight of the world. ADVICE It is smart to operate within reasonable boundaries. Odd behavior impulses can/should be harmonized. Sun square Uranus

Saturday, February 4

Second of Five Days FORECAST There’s a sense that something fun or momentous is about to happen. ADVICE Especially highlighted now is leadership. Healing functions and social/community gatherings. Full Moon Phase

All Day FORECAST Experienced, empathetic healers and trendsetters speak out. ADVICE Everyone can use cultural sources to advantage for advancing agendas. Venus square Mars

Sunday, February 5

Third of Five Days FORECAST This is ‘show time’ for leaders, speakers, and performers. Those with activist impulses or expressive talents can set on a positive course for community enrichment. ADVICE Cultural concepts and/or scientific projects tap into deep resources and use emotional incentives. Full Moon Phase  



Monday, February 6

Fourth of Five Days FORECAST Instigators and organizers have to walk the line. There are huge expectations held by followers. ADVICE Patience is needed to finesse the situation. Figureheads, volunteers, and icons may need for managerial help or administrative training. Full Moon Phase  

Tuesday, February 7

Fifth of Five Days FORECAST Heroic actions and good responses are expected. This is in spite of impaired functioning or tricky terrain. ADVICE Try to correct the lack of direction via a conceptual compass or an advanced counselor.  Full Moon Phase

Wednesday, February 8

12:45 PM-6:45 PM CST FORECAST Here’s an analysis of current projects in terms of what enrichment is needed. There is an entrance of special effects from nature’s treasure box. ADVICE Use ample resources and poetic references during the creative process. Healing, grounding, and centering potency levels should be reliable. Moon Opposed Neptune



Thursday, February 9

4 PM-10 PM CST FORECAST A show of intentions and knowledgeable posturing will set proper standards. These pronouncements also create context. ADVICE There are many opportunities and observations ready to use so upload those as well. Moon Opposed Jupiter

Friday, February 10

All Day FORECAST Secrets or recent discoveries are conceptual building blocks. A super-sleuth theme is happening and strategies are shaping up. ADVICE Speaking confidentially is the best way to go for therapy, purging, and research. Mercury conjunct Pluto

Saturday, February 11

11:15 PM Saturday -4:15 AM Sunday CST FORECAST It seems time to reap what has been planted and use accounting too. We are all taking responsibility for past actions. ADVICE Use virtue, wisdom, and humor for outreach methods! Emphasize the positive and fix the negative.  Moon conjunct South Node (Karma) 5* Tropical Scorpio

Sunday, February 12

2:45 PM- 8:45 PM CST FORECAST Legal and commercial specs are uploaded into new treatments or technology. ADVICE A sense of fairness is crucial. Use the art of persuasion; this can make a positive, successful difference. Moon Opposed Uranus



Monday, February 13

8 AM-2 PM EST FORECAST A focus on what has worked for healing will yield instructions. ADVICE Deep experiences that enhance luck are worth preserving for continued usage.  Moon square Sun Last quarter Moon

1 PM-7 PM CST FORECAST Judgment calls or a test of teamwork strength are in process. ADVICE Envision the results of messages sent out. Also factor in the effects of/from competition or propaganda. Moon square Saturn

Tuesday, February 14

6 PM Tuesday -12 AM Wednesday CST FORECAST Episodes of inner tension– with happy endings– are the current dominant patterns. A sincere yet enterprising attitude yields the best outcome. ADVICE Cultivate a sense of personal destiny! Think in terms of what talents dictate. Go for what suits you in a showcase or community. Moon Opposed Mars

Wednesday, February 15

All Day FORECAST Glamour and visual appeal enrich scenes and stories. Joy or anger catalysts bring a climax. Flights of fancy are mostly harmless and imagination brings refreshment. ADVICE Be wary of tricky –but fascinating–seductions. Guard against indulgence. Venus conjunct Neptune

First of Three Days EST FORECAST Different management styles are contrasted. On one hand is the radiant, optimistic, and encouraging personality. On the other side are a cool demeanor, balanced judgment, and dignity. ADVICE Both have authoritative values and can be combined. Sun conjunct Saturn



Thursday, February 16

Second of Three Days EST FORECAST Most styles are classy and we are inspired to use vetted methods. ADVICE Upload sage-like, respectable people into the mix. Favor those who have dignity and are known by their good reputation.   Sun conjunct Saturn

Friday, February 17

Third of Three Days EST FORECAST Interesting learned leaders and administrators will dispense and direct wise words. ADVICE An organizer’s charisma includes special skills and good work behind the front lines. Sun conjunct Saturn

8:15 PM Friday -2:15 AM Saturday CST FORECAST Use of beneficial life manifestations depends on the use of professional hierarchy. Expect a focus on money, politics, and deal-making. ADVICE Understand human psychology from an evolutionary point of view. For example survival, mating, and reputation are high on the list. Moon conjunct Pluto

Saturday, February 18

2:30 PM-8:30 PM CST FORECAST Information that promotes wise choices is available. ADVICE Emphasize good health, spirituality, and other community virtues. Focus on the ideas that are almost eternal or long-lasting. Moon conjunct Mercury

First of Five Days FORECAST Here’s an invitation to build the ideal life; a utopia of sorts. ADVICE It’s possible to create a paradise with the best of the best. Past or modern versions of positive energy are supportive as well. New Moon Phase



Sunday, February 19

6 PM-12 AM CST FORECAST Dignity and truth could maintain a person’s position. A sincere posture supports a winning position. ADVICE Retain the best of tradition as a force field and a status symbol.  Moon conjunct Saturn

2nd of Five Days FORECAST Utopian ideas or idealistic projects can flourish if practical. ADVICE Strict guidelines and respectful behavior are basics. In order to create the perfect or optimal life, include demos of mutual peer respect. New Moon Phase

Monday, February 20

Third of Five Days FORECAST A longing for perfection is not heated but rather cool and calculated. ADVICE Manifest benefits from tradition, training, and solid plans. Promote pet projects and encourage action. New Moon Phase

Tuesday, February 21

4th of Five Days FORECAST We continue to plot, outline, and plan according to established methods. ADVICE Embrace the metaphysics, esoteric arts, or alchemy powers that are in the mix. Mystique is in! New Moon Phase

12 PM-6 PM CST FORECAST Transcendence and/or vivid imagination are current factors and big players. Symbolic stories and dreamy situations are hypnotic. ADVICE Soul enrichment is great but could distract from more practical matters. A healthy balance is best. Moon conjunct Neptune

All Day FORECAST Resistance to modern thinking brings on an ever-watchful judge. ADVICE We all could use some education regarding health and healing as well as wisdom. A bit of teaching is good now, so get an expert. Mercury square Uranus



Wednesday, February 22

5th of Five Days FORECAST This is a time when imagination is a basic function but with practical community-sustaining underpinnings. ADVICE Idealism could best manifest as intense specialization. Maintain a clear goal to build miraculous results. New Moon Phase  

1:30 AM-7:30 AM CST FORECAST Many people launch an exciting new take on careers, and relationships. An experience of beauty and/or love is in the picture. ADVICE We seem to be breathing in harmony from high and low via the air too. Moon conjunct Venus

2:45 PM-8:45 PM CST FORECAST Here’s a very fortunate timeframe: a prosperity mode is happening due to optimistic or productive moods. An urge to contribute offerings and talent can be refitted to the situation, ADVICE This episode– if used correctly– could bring great luck and happiness to current prospects. Moon conjunct Jupiter

Thursday, February 23

11:15 PM Thursday -5:15 AM Friday CST FORECAST New unions and unusual combinations may require introductions or glossaries. There may be some queasy or sensitive nerves. ADVICE Be sure to observe hierarchy, pecking order, and the flow of command. Moon square Pluto

Friday, February 24

12 PM-6 PM CST FORECAST We can all access and use the rich sources available. ADVICE Also  it pays to befriend high achievers and follow good examples. Offer only what can be sustained/perpetuated. Moon conjunct North Node  5* Tropical Taurus (Dharma)



Saturday, February 25

4:15 AM-10:15 AM CST FORECAST Outside the box or contrary thinking will provide catalysts. We gain insights into the present and future endeavors. ADVICE Embrace the inventive mood that is dominating now. Lots of irony or humor may be a good sign and/or a coping method. Moon conjunct Uranus

Sunday, February 26

5:45 AM-11:45 AM CST FORECAST A show of psychodrama maybe inappropriate unless a happy ending is assured. Lessons learned and emotional disciplines are a fortunate focus. ADVICE Analyze for luck and choose good fortune. It makes sense to question useless rules yet please authority figures and not rebel too much. Moon square Saturn

Monday, February 27

12 AM-6 AM CST FORECAST Here’s an exam of current projects especially those started near the New Moon on February 20th. ADVICE The emphasis on altruist or idealistic enterprises include enthusiasm and appeal. Moon square Sun First Quarter Moon

8:15 PM Monday -2:15 AM Tuesday CST FORECAST Some fortunate and special effects are captivating, yet nothing succeeds like your own success. A high-energy atmosphere is encouraging. ADVICE Use courage and muscle. Passion is good if friendly and not threatening. Moon conjunct Mars



Tuesday, February 28

7:45 AM- 1:45 PM CST FORECAST Personal growth can include more empathy practice and maybe forgiveness. ADVICE Do avoid gloomy, depressed, or unhealthy people especially if their pain is self-inflicted. Moon square Neptune

Wednesday, March 1

6:45 PM-12:45 AM CST FORECAST Sparkly, charismatic, and unique could describe the leading players right now. ADVICE Also helpful is the use of a grand, overarching concept. Great destiny and inner guiding lights make beneficial paradigms. Moon square Venus

7 PM Wednesday -1 AM Thursday CST FORECAST Liberation through education is the way many aim to go. ADVICE An upbeat, enterprising life and joyful aura rub off and bring popularity. Moon square Jupiter

1st of 2 Days FORECAST A vivid imagination and lots of benevolent forces come together. ADVICE Grab all the opportunities you can. A positive mindset is a huge plus and has great appeal in many ways. Venus conjunct Jupiter



Thursday, March 2

2nd of 2 Days FORECAST The legacy that we’re maintaining is a bright mood. This is the time to ask if encouragement is needed. ADVICE Distribute invites or give surplus supplies to those deserving. Venus conjunct Jupiter

All Day FORECAST Here is a contemplation of serious matters at hand. ADVICE Focus on a dutiful yet joyful approach to work. Dependable commitments are beneficial and encouraging. Mercury conjunct Saturn

Friday, March 3

6:15 AM-12:15 PM CST FORECAST We gain perspective on civic scenes or styles in the 21st century. Rendering profound concepts is helped via the addition of glamour, arts, and culture. Versatility is prized ADVICE Be ready and able to perform as the situation dictates. Demands will probably be well within your skill set! Pair up with powerful people and pay as you go. Moon Opposed Pluto



Saturday, March 4

3 PM-9 PM CST FORECAST Events are vivid and meaningful but a bit controversial. After this trial, we will know better how much something new is useful or not. ADVICE Measure how much futurist equipment will work. Traditional, reliable favorites may continue to form the main menu. Moon square Uranus


Highlights March-mid May 2023

NEW March 512 FORECAST We will soon switch to Daylight Savings time for those communities observing. ADVICE Try to get to sleep an hour early for the next 7 days.  reset circadian cycle in advance of the time change


March 5-9 FORECAST Many folks wish to have a better sense of direction, especially to benefit the soul growth and personal affections. ADVICE Trend analysts and esoteric teachings are available. Fun and active camaraderie in a physical sense are good if reasonable. Full Moon Phase Square mars


NEW March 12th   2 AM local time for those communities observing

FORECAST Collective jet lag occurs at this time of year since everyone loses an hour of sleep. ADVICE Get plenty of exercise for a good night’s sleep. Avoid caffeine late in the day Switch to Daylight savings time


March 10-18 FORECAST Trends, moods, and appetites are favoring complexity/fantasy for the time being. This helps creative output but taxes organization. Soon offers and interest in fame will develop. ADVICE That brings into consideration the use of marketing for media promotions. The showcase audience and making money will be and issue a challenge for the ultimate triumph. Guard against extremes, avoid intoxicants and curb unwarranted leaps of faith. Mars Square Neptune


March 19-23 FORECAST Really complex situations are partly due to inclinations towards fantasy and cravings for glamour. ADVICE Scenes are interesting but tricky. Use moderation and empathy. New Moon Phase conjunct Neptune                    



April 4-8 FORECAST Conditions are semi-dramatic but fairly easy to manage. ADVICE This may be an excellent time to let off steam in a fun, safe manner! Full Moon Phase  


April 17-21 FORECAST Here is a great sense of enterprise, joy, and adventure in the wind. ADVICE Optimism can be applied as soon as the proper strategy is installed! New Moon Phase conjunct Jupiter and square Pluto contains a solar eclipse April 19



May 3-7 FORECAST How many new spins could science and technology provide?  Legal and commercial experts want to know. A lot of mania and a bit of fatigue set in. ADVICE Balance between the new futurists and the sophisticated, 21st century synthesis; that does the trick. Full Moon Phase contains a Lunar eclipse May 5 (Sun is conjunct Uranus)

May 10-24 FORECAST The big challenge of the year is to hold onto power and continue to do what you do best. ADVICE However, to keep things interesting, think outside the box for luck and education. Jupiter square Pluto @ ALTAIR the eagle-star

May 17-21 FORECAST The preponderance of narcissism or crimes of passion are in need of fixing. Self-preservation includes turning the tables on selfish people or reversing a bad situation. ADVICE There’s a focus on developing talents as therapy or an antidote for tragic flaws. Also useful is the hero who rises above challenging childhood episodes. New Moon Phase @ AlGhoul



June 1-5 FORECAST News or events activate inner turmoil. Some people are torn between conflicting options or confused by opposite interests. ADVICE Be part of the shamanic healing solution. Use dreams, traditional remedies, and community gatherings for cures.  Full Moon Phase

June 16-20 FORECAST Potent, imposing personalities and the force of a noble mission is compelling. ADVICE Do not be intimidated unless a retreat is the best option. Hold your ground! New Moon Phase