Roasted Beet Salad





By Samantha Schwalm


One of my favorite vegetables is a beet. This root vegetable is harvested all summer through
late fall. Both mature golden and red beets have an earthy, bitter flavor when eaten raw,
However, they turn candy-like when roasted, grilled, or steamed.

My personal favorite is to roast them, and have them in a salad. Here is a simple but delicious
salad. I use one beet per salad. Start by washing all of the excess dirt off of the beats. Pat dry
with a paper towel, and cut off the tops of the beats. Preheat a 425 oven, and place your beet
on a lined baking sheet. Brush each beet with oil, and sprinkle salt and pepper. Roast them for
45 minutes to an hour. Until they are knife tender (meaning, they slide off the knife easily). Once

they are fully cooked, let them cool for about 10 to 15 minutes until you can handle with a paper                     

in your hand. The skin of the beet should peel off easily.


Once your beets are prepared, place a handle full of arugula that has been tossed in 1
Tablespoon of good olive oil, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, and 1 teaspoon of good white
balsamic vinegar, onto each plate. Place your sliced beets over the arugula, and some goat
cheese, and toasted pine nuts. This is a wonderful salad to transition into these cooler months
of fall! Enjoy!