In a Wide Range of Options
Nancy Kelley and Linda Heister, guests of a Service Club member, won the Classic Chicago Award for joining in the spirit of the afternoon without crossing the line.
By Megan McKinney
Service Club events never disappoint in the over-the-top department. Remember the aptly titled Glitz & Glamour gala a few years back? However, it’s all done with a cheerful tongue-in-cheek attitude and an eye to the good works the visual excesses support.
The 2018 Service Club of Chicago Spring Luncheon was held at a notably circumspect Lake Forest club, with prizes awarded for the most attention-grabbing head gear. And much of it was definitely attention-grabbing.
Denise Tomasello and Tres Beau Hat Winner Mark Olley in a significant grabber.
Service Club President Tracey DiBuono’s welcoming words to the 300 guests: “My thanks to each and every one of you for your support. Our events succeed because our members and guests are so supportive of our worthwhile mission.” More than $140,000 was raised to support the Service Club’s diverse Philanthropic Grants in 2019.
Service Club President Tracey DiBuono, standing left, next to Cathy Bartholomay. Seated in front: Marguerite Hark, left, and Vonita Reescer.
Master of Ceremonies Micah Materre of WGN-TV.
Co-chairs Myra Reilly and Lynda Silverman were appropriately dignified in their hats.
Lynda Silverman and Myra Reilly, as co-chairs, introduced the Inaugural “Hat Walk,” in which guests, led by dancers from Zzazz Productions, paraded through the rooms to showcase their millinery to judges. The winners were Tina Weller for Tres Jolie, Mamie Walton for Tres Chic and Mark Olley for Tres Beau.
Sherry Lea Holson and her dancing escorts.
Leading the Hat Walk was the event’s Honorary Chairman, Sherry Lea Holson. Sherry Lea has chaired the Spring Luncheon for many years and has been instrumental in its growth and continued success. She was gracious in her comments: “Truly the honor belongs to all the women of Service Club for their hard work, all of our friends who support us and, most importantly, all the charities that are benefited.”
Cheri Lawrence was ready to step into the Hat Walk.
Mamie Walton was winner of the Tres Chic Hat Award.
Tres Jolie Hat Winner Tina Weller.
An afternoon high point was a marvelous raffle with luxe items donated by Service Club members and friends. As always, sketches by favorite Chicago illustrator Rosemary Fanti were choice items.
Rosemary Fanti’s vision of Vive Les Chapeaux.
Mary Claire Moll and Mary Lasky.
Dede Lubeznik, Karen Peters and Sherrill Bodine.
Tiffany Marshall, Tracy Scurto, Kathleen Casey and Frances Renk.
Sylvia and Kurt Muller.
Lynn McMahan, Cheryl Coleman and Heather Farley Ingram.
Jean Antoniou.
Sally Jo Morris.
Photo Credit:
John Reilly Photography
Author Photo:
Robert F. Carl