Astrology of Classic Chicago Magazine’s Debut Issue

By Victoria Martin



Let’s visualize the skies via Sun, Moon, and Venus as they were on October 11, 2015 at 8 A.M. in Chicago, when Classic Chicago Magazine – henceforth CCM – made its debut.

The Sun was just above the horizon in the East. This time of day is associated with spirituality and charitable acts. Often events and people mentioned in CCM support worthy causes.



A little higher up in the sky was an Old Crescent Moon. This is associated with classics since it is seen on the final day of the lunar month. Summaries are generated then and can instruct the new moon cycle plans. CCM has ‘Classic’ in its name and it features good role models for future Chicago generations!



Venus is the most elevated planet in this sky scene, and she is at her greatest brilliance, so the topics and images featured in CCM are bright. This planet bestows beauty and love. In this case, it is conjunct Super Star Regulus heart of Leo the Lion. In that light, traits of talent, leadership, and generosity are often found in the character of the people and places portrayed in the magazine! Happy Anniversary, CCM!