Astrologer’s Almanac October 10-16 2021~ make a calculated leap of faith




Victoria Martin



Auspicious and Important Time Frames for the Week Ahead  


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Astrological Forecast Advice & Mass Psychology

 October 10-16, 2021


Highlights mid October 

September 27-October 18 FORECAST The focus on culture, science, and academia is also interested in useful products from those realms. ADVICE A close-up exam and marathon mode make this a productive–yet overwhelming —3 weeks’ time for media and communications.

Mercury Stations begins  Sep 27 Retrograde motion till Oct 18 

Sunday, October 10

Night – Wee Hours FORECAST Personalities in business or high stakes social scenes emit intrigue and animal appeal. ADVICE It is best to stay sober even when under pressure. Generally, anxiety attacks mellow out after the first 15 minutes of an event.

Moon square Neptune

10:15 PM FORECAST Here is a focus on cultural resources especially those that brighten the spirit. Big shots make a calculated leap of faith in terms of tapping miracle-work capacity. ADVICE Use power and influence to encourage education and health for others.

Saturn  is stationary; change from retrograde to forward motion 

Monday, October 11

All Day FORECAST This is a wild card day; the train is running a bit off the rails! ADVICE  Small projects can be accomplished and menial/mundane tasks are favored.

No geometric relations between planets

Tuesday, October 12

Morning-Afternoon FORECAST Insider information is available regarding environment and chemistry as well as legends and mythology. ADVICE Those special clues allow the best maneuvering for current society or situation. Jump into action. Improvised engineering and storyline are keys to success.

Moon Square Mercury 

Morning-Afternoon FORECAST Privileged sources point the way to better plans and potent activities. ADVICE Innovation and future targeting are aces up the sleeve. Outside the box or contrary orientation is a huge help.

Moon Trine Uranus

Evening- Night FORECAST The current set of circumstances contain massive science and religion factors. ADVICE Action calls for invention. Be clever and focus on goals, targets, and outcomes. By all means energize the situation.

Moon Square Mars

Night – Wee Hours FORECAST Here is a stop or pause in the action. Checks bring a re-oriented and sophisticated to-do list. ADVICE Review on the high points of 21st-century civilization and code is savvy. Peak effect is at sunset

Moon Square Sun

Wednesday, October 13

Wee Hours-Morning FORECAST This is the time when secrets are revealed and strategies evolve. Participation with important groups typifies the best case for this time episode. ADVICE Consider all the merit– as well as aesthetic appeal– for the ultimate 21st-century sophistication via an educated viewpoint.

Moon conjunct Pluto

Wee Hours-Morning FORECAST Most likely we will all hunker down to the tasks at hand. ADVICE The priorities now are working wonders, healing, and education/teaching.

Moon conjunct Saturn

Thursday, October 14

Morning-Afternoon FORECAST Everyone’s focus or target is heartfelt goals like health and education. ADVICE Holding wisdom and cultural savvy close –even during an adventure or quest– is optimum. Also keep in touch with comrades, colleagues, and associates.

Moon Trine Mercury

Afternoon-Evening FORECAST Updates and hipness aspirations call for a scramble, improvisation, and a touch of genius. ADVICE Be sure the presentation and profile are fully functioning and not too weird/strange.

Moon Square Uranus

Friday, October 15

Wee Hours-Morning FORECAST Daily deeds and instinctive actions gain favor via added courage and strength building. The context is culture or science as well as in social events. ADVICE This is a great time to set up and energize good habits. Health and erudite effects—glamour, and intellect– increase maximum success potential.

Moon Trine Mars

All Day FORECAST Here is a time suited to creative people and leaders. Both can radiate goodwill and utilize opportunities. ADVICE It seems correct to distribute praise and fortunate options, so do that as much as possible.

Sun Trine Jupiter

Wee Hours-Morning FORECAST Aligned to bigger and better ideas, groups, and activities will typify the attitude right now. ADVICE Do select for luck, align with happiness principles and get a good education.

Moon conjunct Jupiter

Wee Hours-Morning FORECAST Culture and science-themed groups increase capacity for creativity and workflow. That is, appropriate challenges– once achieved– elevate self-esteem. It is well-being that equals happiness. ADVICE Take advantage of this harmonious timeframe! Launch or develop anything wholesome that your heart desires.

Moon Trine Sun

Saturday, October 16

Afternoon-Evening FORECAST Empathetic healers and trendsetters express warnings. ADVICE Pay attention! Some sensory appetites could contain traps like indulgence or stupor.

Moon Square Venus


By Victoria Martin

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      produced by Kay Whitfield