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The Peaceable Kingdom, always showing in Lincoln Park

By Michael Traynor



In 1832, Edward Hicks painted the “Peaceable Kingdom” below, visualizing a peaceful coexistence of all God’s creatures in the natural world.

Hicks lived in acrimonious times in the USA.  He wanted us all to see that underlying the deep societal divisions of his day, there is a greater and truer reality —  that all living creatures are one and united as a part of nature. Contemplating nature is a great way to experience yourself as part of the Peaceable Kingdom, and we especially need to recognize this now, given the level of distraction, division and noise of modern society.The opportunity to experience a modern day Peaceable Kingdom is available by strolling in Lincoln Park, or any other nature space near you. Late autumn color and activity has recently been on display. On every day of the year, you will encounter experiences, big and small, that can bring you into deeper union with the Peaceable Kingdom that is your true home.

Here are a few sample photos from Lincoln Park in late autumn. Visit often. You might need this more than you know. .

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