The Noteworthy Symphony Ball



By Judy Carmack Bross

Red Carpet treatment and musical toast at Symphony Hall.

The euphonious evening began with red carpet arrivals and a sold-out concert led by Riccardo Muti, the perfect prelude for the Symphony Ball hosted by the Women’s Board of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association (CSOA) along with CSOA Board Trustee Roderick Branch, which, followed at the Four Seasons Chicago.

Guests at the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association’s Symphony Ball enjoy a post-concert dinner at the Four Seasons.

Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association President Jeff Alexander, CSOA Women’s Board President Judith Feldman and CSOA Board Trustee Roderick Branch.

The Chicago Symphony Orchestra led by Music Director Emeritus for Life Riccardo Muti perform at the sold-out Symphony Ball concert.

The concert was notable as a celebration of Muti’s new role, which began last month as Music Director Emeritus for Life. He led the CSO and internationally renowned violinist Leonidas Kavakos in Tchaikovsky’s Violin Concerto to open the program before continuing with Italian opera selections from composers Puccini, Leoncavallo, Giordano and Verdi.

Northern Trust President, Wealth Management, Central Region, John D. Fumagalli offers welcome remarks at the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association’s Symphony Ball.

The Chicago Symphony Orchestra led by Music Director Emeritus for Life Riccardo Muti performed music by Tchaikovsky and Italian opera composers Puccini, Leoncavallo, Giordano and Verdi.

CSOA Women’s Board President Judith Feldman and CSOA Trustee Roderick Branch address attendees of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association’s Symphony Ball concert.

CSOA President Jeff Alexander and John Fumagalli of Northern Trust shared welcome remarks with gala guests before CSO cellist Brant Taylor introduced a special video highlighting the Orchestra’s impact in Chicago and beyond. Dancing following dinner mesmerized guests celebrating one of Chicago’s singularly sensational galas.

Symphony Ball concert goers applaud the Chicago Symphony Orchestra following the performance.

Other notable sponsors include Abbott, ITW, Ling Z. and Michael C. Markovitz, the Patrick G. and Shirley W. Ryan Foundation, the Zell Family Foundation, Altair Advisers, Bank of America, Jenner & Block LLP, Latham & Watkins LLP, the TAWANI Foundation, Sharon Angel, Cathy and Bill Osborn, The Pritzker Pucker Family Foundation, Steve and Megan Shebik, Dr. and Mrs. Gene and Jean Stark, Helen G. and Richard L. Thomas, and Terrence and Laura Truax.

Photos by Todd Rosenberg Photography