The Chicago Irish Film Festival, dedicated to presenting the works of Irish filmmakers since 1999, opens for Chicago audiences a window into the color and complexity of Irish life. From documentary and drama to horror, comedy, and animation, CIFF specializes in US premieres and films that have recently screened at Sundance, Tribeca, and SXSW. And since the inception of CIFF, it has screened most of the Irish Films that have won, been nominated, or short-listed for an Academy Award.
Contemporary Irish films bring the lyrical and self-reflective richness of a long artistic tradition to bear on unique stories and pressing social issues with a gaze both critical and loving. CIFF strives to include a broad representation of current Irish cinema in both English and Irish language, and encourages submissions that highlight the extraordinary diversity and creativity that is the mark of Irish filmmaking wherever in the world it may occur.
CIFF’s passion for supporting Irish films and filmmakers translates into to a commitment to broadening its reach through marketing and social media to audiences in the Chicago area and beyond.
This year’s festival begins with an opening night gala on March 1st at the newly renovated Theater on the Lake and will run through March 4th.
Punch in code CCM10 on their website for a 10% discount offered only to Classic Chicago Magazine Readers.
Photo credit: CIFF