Tag: Carved Baltic Amber Earrings

Astrologer’s Almanac May 9-May 15, 2021



Andre Marcha One of a kind Carved Baltic Amber Earrings 

Astrological Forecast and Advice May 9 thru May 15, 2021


HIGHLIGHTS for this week

May 9-13  FORECAST There are mixed feelings regarding the ‘new and different options. Elite groups seek new members and cultivate plans about inventions or update general direction finders. ADVICE Special digestion or processing becomes vigorous and interesting.

New Moon Phase

                                                                                                                                        Sunday, May 9                                                                                                                                             

1st 1st of 5 days FORECAST Elite gatherings and special interest groups are forming up. This is a time to get in before the door closes. ADVICE Do an in-reach or outreach; try something new, give gifts as an entry, and be a vivid participant.

New Moon Phase

Morning-Afternoon FORECAST The assignment is to get over the hump of psyche resistance/ It is easy to spot political interference or enemies. ADVICE Sometimes the trend is so strong—like tide, weather or climate—it behooves a person to prepare or surf it.

Moon square Pluto 

                                                                              Monday, May 10                                                                                     

2nd of 5 days FORECAST Planning ahead for special events includes committees and cliques. Hand-picked/initiated circles/ are featured. ADVICE Gather with skilled workers: engineers, mathematicians, and engineers as well as talented artists and inventors.

New Moon Phase

Afternoon-Evening  FORECAST  Surprises and innovations are exciting there is a bit of shock effect as well. Stimulation brings awakening. Individual genius is unlocked by some of today’s events. ADVICE Dip into the available treasure trove of ideas. Use special charisma and/or unique talents.

Moon conjunct Uranus

Night-Wee Hours FORECAST Referencing back to tradition and consideration for the rules is a balance during this radical timeframe. ADVICE Use a safety net and precautions.

Moon square Saturn

Tuesday, May 11     

               3rd of 5 days FORECAST Zeroing in on the best inventions think tanks, and mystery solving is a target. ADVICE Make a list of what you wish to accomplish. Spark up group dynamics/interaction/participation. This is a great time to get things started and help others to do the same.

New Moon Phase

Night-Wee Hours FORECAST Support from intrinsically 21st-century devices idiosyncratic culture. The phenomena is such that something truly sophisticated emerges. ADVICE Fit in the circle by showing poise, empathy, and mission compliance or awareness. A special prize is to be a member of groups that have a congenial style and inclusive ethos.

Moon trine Pluto

Wednesday, May 12

4th of 5 days FORECAST Entering now are options that add group awareness, enhance talents and facilitate/cultivate mutual benefits. ADVICE Formats are best when interactive. Platforms will advance this via cooperation and collaboration.

New Moon Phase

Wee Hours-Morning  FORECAST New startups exude confidence. However, a make-it-or-break-it factor is luck selection: picking what will actually work. ADVICE Significant signs or omens/indications are a guide to fortunate selection. Look for strong virtuous character and material support.

Moon square Jupiter

Afternoon-Evening  FORECAST New ways of portraying pathos arise to claim interest and provide information. Spicy, fascinating stories are destined to become classics. ADVICE It is possible to encapsulate pure joy that strikes a tone with mass appeal. Information gleaned/ Examples formed can enhance beauty and attraction.

Moon conjunct Venus

Thursday, May 13

5th of 5 days FORECAST Building on recent inventions and creative manifestations sets the tone for the near future. There is an intensity that can be sublimated into new projects! ADVICE Absolute group unity is a plus. Minute to minute awareness, real-time presence, and topical focus will help detect who or what could help new projects. Use what is active in the here and now.

New Moon Phase

All Day FORECAST Support for idea development, good practical concepts, and realistic plans come forth. ADVICE Approval from authority figures, experts, and elders could contain some corrections. Most VIP input is worthwhile.

Mercury Trine Saturn

Morning  FORECAST Help from VIPs may be due to a demo of cooperation that includes a play by the rules, and tradition upholds. ADVICE Be cooperative and find new ways to work wonders; positive thought/praise, helping out, generous contributions.

Moon trine Saturn

Morning-Afternoon  FORECAST A quick rise to work for success is offered. Viable pathways are beckoning. Treasure findings are positive. ADVICE Super smart, clever and entertaining discussions, contacts, and ideas can be yours.

Moon conjunct Mercury

Friday, May 14

Morning FORECAST Strength building and confidence support are helped by coaching and therapy assistance. For serious cases purging unhealthy habits or the selfish aspects of human nature is helpful. ADVICE Sublimating negative into positive can be repeated until it is a natural/innate trait. Transcending can occur via humor and/or mysticism.

Moon square Neptune

Evening-Night Saturday EDT FORECAST Counselors and directors act as the power behind the throne. ADVICE Lucky interventions, emerging offers, and personal appearances can be utilized. Seize the moment and act in a benevolent manner.

Moon trine Jupiter

Saturday, May 15

NightWee Hours  FORECAST Exciting, charismatic people perform sorcery or creative operations that are natural and beneficial. ADVICE Take on orderly qualities and use benefits from military-like discipline.

Moon conjunct Mars

HIGHLIGHTS for next week

May 20-22 FORECAST Presented at this time are anecdotes/ lessons on how to cultivate good fortune and increase luck. ADVICE Aim for a favorable outcome: cut out the bad deals first.

Sun Square Jupiter

   By Victoria Martin

Book direct @ viccimartin@gmail.com, phone # 312-961–3380 also on Gigmastershttps://www.thebash.com/tarot-card-reader/victoria-astrologer-tarot-reader-and- palmist
                    produced by Kay Whitfield