Tag: 1959 through 1985

Crystal Ball Chairmen

         Benefiting Michael Reese Hospital







By Megan McKinney


It was a legendary Chicago hospital and a legendary ball—conveying a certain distinction on those who served as its chairmen. If you’ve been wondering who the Michael Reese Crystal Ball chairmen were during the golden period from 1959 through 1985, we have the answers for you and their photographs.  They were tucked away in the amazing Stanley Paul Papers, donated to  Chicago Public Library—and the city—by the popular Chicago orchestra leader as part of the Stanley Paul Collection.



With Special Thanks to Morag Walsh,  Senior Archivist, Special Collections, Chicago Public Library

And, Always, Many, Many Thanks to Our Valued Classic Chicago Contributor Stanley Paul.   


Edited by Amanda K. O’Brien

Author Photo by Robert F. Carl