Tote-ally terrific might describe the August 6 pre-party for the Purse-sue the Cure benefit luncheon the Lynn Sage Cancer Research Foundation will host October 22.

Megan Levin and pre-party co-chair Sofia Ahmad Jones.
The evening’s chairs Lisa Landsman and Sofia Ahmad welcomed guests to Google Headquarters and found, by the end of the evening, that nearly 80 new designer and collectable purses has been donated for the upcoming auction. Over 200 handbags for children and adults, along with men’s items, all from private collections, boutiques, and leading retailers will be snapped up at the fall luncheon at the Hilton Chicago.

Purse donations at Google HQ.

Purse donations for October’s PUR-SUE THE CURE Purse Auction.

LSCRF Board Chair Hollis Hanover.
Speakers included LSCRF Board Chair Hollis Hanover and along with some of the key figures involved in the making of the breast cancer documentary short, Grace: tattoo artist David Allen; the film’s subject, Grace Fauls Lombardo; and Chicago filmmaker Rachel Pikelny.

David Allen, Grace Fauls Lombardo, and Rachel Pikelny of the Grace documentary team discuss the film.

LSCRF Fall Luncheon Co-Chairs Wendy Heltzer and Sheri Whitko.
Benefit Chairs Wendy Heltzer and Sheri Whitko have one of the cleverest programs for Chicago’s fall line up in the bag: actress and author Jill Kargman, star of the brash Bravo TV comedy Odd Mom Out based on her book Momzillas, will be guest speaker. Jill is currently working on a re-boot of The Munsters with Seth Myers. Daughter of former Chanel president Arie Kopelman, the Yale graduate has made her literary target the super wealthy moms of the Manhattan elite.
The luncheon benefits innovative contributions to breast cancer research, fellowships, and educational programs at Northwestern Medicine and the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University through LSRF.

Nancy Resnick, Megan Levin, Ellen Soren, and Nancy Golding.

Jami Grauer and Andrea Gordon.

Charlene Lieber and Stephanie Lieber.

Grace documentary team Rachel Pikelny, Grace Fauls Lombardo, and David Allen with LSCRF Chair Hollis Hanover.
Photo Credit: Sheri Whitko Photography