Lace Up Your Skates and Experience the Best of Chicago’s Ice Rinks

Lace Up Your Skates and Experience the Best of Chicago’s Ice Rinks

By: Erikajean Penados









When thinking about the top Winter activities to do in Chicago, the first that comes to mind for many is ice skating. As many Chicagoans already know, the city houses the McCormick Tribune and Ice Ribbon rinks in the heart of downtown at Millennium Park and Maggie Daley Park respectively. They are prime locations for a fun and casual Wintertime excursion in the city, whether you are an experienced skater or a newcomer to the ice!


The McCormick Tribune Ice Rink opened in 2001 and was the first attraction in the park to be revealed to the public. The Chicago tradition now draws in approximately 100,000 skaters every year who are not only attracted by the ice, but also by the stellar views of the iconic skyline and The Bean, the shimmering lights of Chicago’s Christmas tree, and the hustle and bustle of downtown, especially during the Holiday season.


If you walk 0.4 miles East, taking the route that bridges across South Columbus Drive, you will find yourself at the Maggie Daley Park Ice Ribbon in less than 10 minutes! The rink opened in Winter 2014 along with the rest of the park. Despite being neighbors with The McCormick Tribune Ice Rink, it offers its own gimmicks that attracts its own fair share of skaters as well. The rink is ¼ mile long with a capacity of 700 skaters, making it the largest in the state. It is also well known for its ribbon-like path, with sections that are slightly more uphill or downhill, allowing for variation as you skate. 


No matter which rink you choose to skate at, both rinks are about halfway through their seasons, as they close up shop for the off-season in early March! The McCormick Tribune Ice Rink will close Sunday, March 3 and the Ice Ribbon will close the following Sunday, March 10. Both rinks are free admission and offer advanced registration and walk-ups (advanced registration is recommended). Skate rentals are available at both locations, along with other services such as skate aide and locker rentals, skate sharpening (only at The McCormick Tribune Ice Rinks), and free skating lessons. For more information regarding rentals and registration, please visit the websites for Millennium Park and Maggie Daley Park respectively. 


There is still ample time to grab your friends and family, head out to downtown, and enjoy one of Chicago’s best Winter activities, so lace up your skates for these unique experiences on the ice!