December 2023



By Victoria Martin





Highlights for December 2023

December 10-14 FORECAST High sensitivity or added complexities create a planner’s dilemma. ADVICE Focus on good intentions –with a bit of intrigue added—but maintain a wide spectrum view. New Moon Phase square Neptune

December 13- January 1 FORECAST An in-depth exam of what makes a place attractive, or a group scintillate could include intrigue. ADVICE Elements of good energy and aesthetics pair up with fascination and mystique to bring up attendance. Mercury Stationary on Dec 13th moves retrograde till Jan 1st

December 20 FORECAST Outside the box thinking, heritage uploads, and life management are focal functions! ADVICE Fellowship and organizations play a key role. Luck is gained via participation in groups, clubs, cults, and communities! Jupiter stationary returns to direct motion @ 5* Taurus

December 24-28 FORECAST Showbiz treatments or enhancements increase a message’s appeal and lengthen viewer’s attention span. ADVICE Integrity of the idea is crucial and more effective if it can serve as a community-builder. Full Moon Phase

December 27-29 FORECAST The impulse towards sarcasm or stinging words is best refashioned as constructive or helpful! Comedians or critics are outspoken and controversial. ADVICE Best to utilize remote scapegoats and mythic, fictional characters. Vent onto distant or absent personas to lessen the damage. Mars square Neptune 


Sunday, December 3

11:30 PM Saturday– 5:30 AM Sunday CST FORECAST Charismatic leaders and organizers benefit from access to elite or esoteric groups. ADVICE Be attentive to all of your talents and have tools ready. Moon Square Uranus

All Day FORECAST Passions and potencies emerge. Cultural traditions play a role as do hip 21st-century modes. ADVICE Flirtation happens and/or creative healing could materialize. Everyone wants to get involved in something snazzy. Venus Square Pluto

9:30 PM Sunday – 3:30 AM Monday CST FORECAST There’s some generous outreach that is based on reputation or records. ADVICE In spite of the chilly mood there’s a wish for drama and romance. However, poise may be more important and win out. Moon opposed Saturn


Monday, December 4

9:45 AM– 3:45 PM CST FORECAST A wish to be of service is noble, but a guardian or street–smart counsel could be needed. ADVICE Participants should be motivated, well–fed, and with reflexes primed. Moon Square Mars

9 AM- 3 PM CST FORECAST This is a great time to survey and/or analyze the situation. ADVICE Emotional detachment is possible. Practice ESP with ‘mind travel’ and take notes or draw pictures. Moon at apogee


Tuesday, December 5

All Day FORECAST We are wrapping up the past three weeks in multimedia … it was a stormy and productive time. Non-conformist impulses and medical issues are checked. ADVICE Put the results into a format that is therapeutic or transformational. Conditions can improve after diagnosis and lifestyle adjustments. Moon square sun last quarter moon

9:15 PM Tuesday -3:15 AM Wednesday CST FORECAST Attunement or immersion in natural forces can heal, inspire, or overpower. ADVICE Approach these experiences with respect and enact a creative response. Moon opposed Neptune


Wednesday, December 6

All Day exact at 7:15 AM EST FORECAST A wild, rodeo-type situation calls for good sportsmanship, athletic skills, and balance. ADVICE Stay in the saddle! Keep an eye on the prize or mission. Neptune stationary return to direct motion

7 PM Wednesday – 1 AM Thursday CST FORECAST Abundant personal charm is admired but also criticized. Action is paired with knowledge is notable. ADVICE Military courage helps navigate within hierarchy. Also, a working knowledge corporate rules is helpful. Moon square Mercury


Thursday, December 7

All Day 6 PM EST FORECAST Tribal or ethnic customs add benevolent features and enrich goals. Social popularity or business-based scores will assist the best possible outcome. Useful for self-improvement is feedback aka karmic pointers. ADVICE Consult community traditions or upload a wide range of source material. Moon at Karma node


Friday, December 8

4 PM-10 PM CST FORECAST Old school or classic cultural consensus is not always in sync with the new  21st-century code. ADVICE Behavior modifications reflect societal changes and technical upgrades. Moon square Pluto


Saturday, December 9

5:30 AM-11:30 AM CST FORECAST Presentation of self or information about a group will tend to emphasize pleasure, goodness, and beauty. ADVICE Pay attention to the formation of icons and employ the vetted outreach policy. Use unique style or exotic, esoteric mannerisms for interest. Moon conjunct Venus

6:45 AM-12:45 PM CST FORECAST Appealing attributes could attract organizations or entities with rich sources. ADVICE Enhance working concepts with history and add visual materials. Work them into the paradigm creation.  Moon opposed Jupiter

All Day FORECAST The pressure of many options invokes tactics! The multitude of data, raw materials, and organizations is overwhelming. ADVICE Use your gut feelings and intuition to choose winners correctly. Generous offers call for thanks and gracious manners. Venus opposed Jupiter


Sunday, December 10

First of 5 days FORECAST New starts regarding healing and conflict-resolutions are shaping up. ADVICE Access good social conditions and enhance health via practicing psychology, arts, and nutrition. New Moon Phase

8 AM-2 PM CST FORECAST Wizardry preparations may be adept at combining past and future. ADVICE Fuse together tradition and innovation with a flourish for a marvelous synthesis. Moon opposed Uranus


Monday, December 11

2nd of 5 days FORECAST Reactions will catalyze talents, enrich creativity, and coalesce healing plans. ADVICE A community circle as a theme could include dream interpretation. Song, dance and drumming are influential. Participation in events and instruction for future leadership are standouts. New Moon Phase

5:15 AM-11:15 AM CST FORECAST Lifelong relationships will test compatibility! Agreements on goals are pivotal. Much depends on the definition of the good life or paradise. ADVICE Timeliness or the strength of tradition will tell the tale. Ultimate beliefs, tastes, or anesthetics must be dug out. They may not be obvious at first! Moon square Saturn


Tuesday, December 12

1 AM-7 AM CST FORECAST Energetic thought comes into reality! Types of manifesting exercises are a way to develop discipline. ADVICE The mood is military, enterprising, and strong it emphasizes healing or physical stamina. Moon conjunct Mars

3rd of 5 days FORECAST Here is a consideration about healing or how to fully engage perception. ADVICE As a result of unusual life path choices interesting alternates are revealed or enhanced. New Moon Phase

9:45 PM Tuesday – 3:45 AM Wednesday CST FORECAST The use of intrigue and instinct is a good starting point. ADVICE Fascinating or chaotic scenarios call for pristine analysis and balanced participation. Moon square Neptune


Wednesday, December 13

4th of 5 days FORECAST Standout characters have a rapport with animals and are attuned to their inner self. Instinctive actions enhance allure, fashion, and glamour. ADVICE It seems timely to create personality statements by whatever means. Special effects are ok but deep thought will score approval and bring out a person’s unique character. New Moon Phase

10 PM Tuesday-4 AM Wednesday CST FORECAST Exam of the media militia, chain of command, and other communications structures is in order. ADVICE The next three weeks yield a marathon quality and are intellectually engaging. Mercury stations begins retrograde motion until Jan 1, 2024


Thursday, December 14

8:45 PM Wednesday -2:45 AM Thursday CST FORECAST It is easy to map out the next three weeks’ strategies! Concepts, timing, and tactics could involve location. ADVICE Go to the best possible magnetic spot: one with gravity or draw potential. Moon conjunct Mercury retrograde

5th of 5 days FORECAST Confronting illusion and fantasy call for troubleshooting. ADVICE This is an advantageous strategy and projects from the last month can get a second chance. New Moon Phase


Friday, December 15

7 AM-1 PM CST FORECAST The main favored posture is to be knowledgeable and hip. Intimidating would typify the lead players now and events add adrenaline. ADVICE Be aware of passions and motives that lurk beneath a poised or calm surface. Moon Conjunct Pluto

7 PM Friday -1 AM Saturday CST FORECAST Wisdom teachings and extra potent healing options are available. ADVICE However, confidence is high and there is some glossing over or rebellious behavior emerges. Moon Square Jupiter

1st of 3 Days FORECAST We all confront the dangers of illusion! Recreational drugs and intoxicants are temptations that are amplified now. An incline towards narcissism is another likely delusionary. ADVICE This is tricky–– and extra unfortunate–– when an iconic role model or famous person engages in such behavior. Sun square Neptune


Saturday, December 16

8:30 AM-2:30 PM CST FORECAST Special abilities or unusual products are not fully appreciated. ADVICE An honest evaluation regarding what will sell or be effective is helpful. Moon Square  Venus

All Day FORECAST Expect to have intense feelings and deep sensations. Also, the physical environment or climate elements manifest extremes. ADVICE Premonitions preview trends and those insights put creators and VIPs on alert! Moon closest to earth i.e. Perigee

5:45 PM 11:45 PM CST FORECAST Lucky options contain instructions for technology specs. New impressions have peculiar qualities or odd aspects. ADVICE The hit list is backed by enduring benevolent qualities. Moon Square Uranus

2nd of 3 Days FORECAST This is an exotic or complex day. Extra sensitivity can inspire hard work or cause fear. ADVICE Take a stand against negative events or shun ideas that are crazy-makers. Do express yourself and use your talents. Sun square Neptune


Sunday, December 17

8:30 PM CST FORECAST A serious mood is conducive to long-term decision making. ADVICE Borrow sage wisdom and proverbs from mystics or philosophers. Moon conjunct Saturn

3rd of 3 Days FORECAST Stories accentuate both hero and villain. ADVICE Sentiment impairs truth-discovery so adopt impartiality. Pragmatism is often the best bottom-line mindset. Sun square Neptune


Monday, December 18

5 PM – 11 PM CST FORECAST Legendary or mythic adventure plans could call for physical strength. ADVICE Imagination is active, but the body should be even more so.  Moon square Mars


Tuesday, December 19

5 AM-11 AM CST FORECAST Zeroing in on inspiration and ‘true religion’ are soulful actions. ADVICE Get the whole story and know the personality traits of the lead players. Moon conjunct Neptune

9:45 AM-3:45 PM CST FORECAST Many of us are checking the progress of projects or relationships started last week. ADVICE Use ESP and troubleshooting; a great team when working together. Moon square sun first quarter moon looks to the skies Moon is at Zenith during sunset

8:45 PM Tuesday 2:45 AM Wednesday CST FORECAST There is momentum gathering! Goals invoke strong motives and incentives. ADVICE This is awkward because there is insufficient time, the location is lacking, or administrative media and commands are vague. Ad-lib as best you can! Moon square mercury retrograde



Wednesday, December 20

All Day FORECAST Work has begun on promising offers or projects. ADVICE Join together unusual combinations, opposite sides, or complementary skills. Moon at dharma node

All Day FORECAST Topics of commerce, law, or analysis enrich or complicate current projects. ADVICE Enliven the most popular features and provide good stories. Stay in the race or contest. Venus opposed Uranus


Thursday, December 21

All Day (exact at 10:26 PM CST) FORECAST There is a strong urgency to congregate! This is enhanced due to the use of attractive locations. Those favored are perceived as a magnet or vortex. ADVICE It is instinctive to huddle for camaraderie. Togetherness is key to keeping warm physically and emotionally! Go with social instincts. Winter solstice

4:15 PM-10:15 PM CST FORECAST Joining or juxtaposing contrasting elements displays the qualities of each side. ADVICE There are some conflicts between people or groups yet they can find points in common. Moon square Pluto


Friday, December 22

4 AM-10 AM CST FORECAST Revelations and responses from prime sources are pouring in all day. ADVICE Jump on good options and offers since they may not last forever. Moon conjunct Jupiter

All Day FORECAST This is the halfway point in the media marathon that started December 13th. It’s a good time to select for longevity and favor what is working. ADVICE Also, live a supportive lifestyle that delivers energy and supports self-confidence. Sun conjunct mercury retrograde


Saturday, December 23

4:30 AM-10:30 AM CST FORECAST Here are some premonitions and clear evidence about what the next great thing will be. ADVICE Special interest groups, inventors, and scientists are emphasized. Moon conjunct Uranus

10 AM-4 PM CST FORECAST Agreed-upon technology and shared science values are a starting point. ADVICE Soon it’s time to turn to the arts and mysticism to fill the need for soul power. Moon opposed Venus


Sunday, December 24

First of 5 days FORECAST Heroic aims enrich ambitions or push towards fame. ADVICE Star-struck and able-bodied describes those in the spotlight now. Full Moon Phase

4 AM-10 AM CST FORECAST Sob stories evoke prayers for wisdom and guidance. Luck or optimism are enhanced or made possible by soul depth. ADVICE Provide work-based evidence and a legitimate track record to get the job! Moon square Saturn

5 PM-11 PM CST FORECAST Female athletes or women warriors act on the ultimate heroics. Those co-helpers with similar missions work as a team. ADVICE Different abilities can forge alliances if there’s an agreement on mutual interests. Moon opposed Mars


Monday, December 25

2nd of 5 days FORECAST Building up energy and anticipation for a great show is strongly felt. ADVICE Keep it simple and act within your chops’ range or skill set. Full Moon Phase

9 PM Monday -3 AM Tuesday CST FORECAST Grand plans benefit from a preview! Do so via a psychic survey. ADVICE Glamour and mythic stories are worthy add-ons. Moon square Neptune

11 PM Monday – 5 AM Tuesday CST FORECAST Grandiose purpose and high-level strategy use sarcasm and intrigue. ADVICE Dip into past and future action simultaneously. Moon opposed mercury retrograde


Tuesday, December 26

3rd of 5 days FORECAST Here’s the peak day to bring on the lunar drama with song, dance, or theatrics. ADVICE Use the best ways to render company rules and organizational policy. Special attention to icons, symbols, and proprietary formula makes sense. Full Moon Phase



Wednesday, December 27

All Day FORECAST Fascinating stories have moral underpinnings. Fantasy on its own–– no matter how appealing and glamorous–– may not be sufficient. ADVICE An apropos lesson completes the tale. Mercury retrograde square Neptune

4th of 5 days FORECAST Here’s lots of competition for popularity or vying for the spotlight! ADVICE Go for an ‘out of this world’ aesthetic and use spectacular special effects. Futurist and dazzling effects are favored, so impart a lingering positive enchantment. Full Moon Phase

All Day FORECAST Expect fierce debates and historical reenactments to get everyone’s attention. ADVICE Elaborate staging, deep plots, or fun games are methods to gain understanding. Mercury retrograde conjunct Mars

1st of 3 days FORECAST Cultural contests and stinging sarcasm are art forms. ADVICE Guard against hurt feelings! There’s a tendency to overdose recreation as well. Mars Square Neptune


Thursday, December 28

2nd of 3 days FORECAST Intrigue has its benefits and yet it pulls a person down the rabbit hole. ADVICE Be sure to get to the true perspective! Maintain a lofty perspective: this serves very well too! Mars Square Neptune

5th of 5 days FORECAST Attention-getters continue to impress or overwhelm. ADVICE At every opportunity use showy gestures and be a confident teammate. Full Moon Phase

2 PM-8 PM CST FORECAST This timeframe is edgy due to strong personalities and displayed convictions. ADVICE Beware of mixing romantic passions with business or politics; handle with care! Moon opposed Pluto


Friday, December 29

3rd of 3 days FORECAST It’s a great time to conjure up some fantasy! However, there’s an error-prone trend now and extra sensitive feelings too. ADVICE Do a safety check, avoid excess sugar, and shun intoxicants. Mars Square Neptune

2:15 AM-8:15 AM CST FORECAST Here is an opportunity for history to become alive again via parades, photo–op tableaus, and pageants! ADVICE Scan the crowd; luck is lurking in the sidelines! Moon Square Jupiter


Saturday, December 30

5:30 AM-11:30 AM CST FORECAST Charismatic leaders and activists get on board. There is trouble uploading the geeks! ADVICE Geniuses and tech types seem odd but are essential. Moon Square Uranus

8:30 AM EST FORECAST Rich primary sources are in the range finder. ADVICE References are accessible, offers seem generous and both sponsor inspiration. Jupiter stations returns to direct motion


Sunday, December 31

7:30 AM-1:30 PM CST FORECAST Regal, aristocratic, and/or generous would describe the Alpha-types in the social scenes and business news now. ADVICE Of special interest is how to get and keep long-lived partnerships. That is especially true if a link seems destined. Moon Square Venus

9:15 AM-3:15 PM CST FORECAST Humble yet enlightened would describe the authority figures in place now. ADVICE It seems necessary to clamp down on pride and cut self-aggrandizement. Wisdom is sought. Moon opposed Saturn


Monday, January 1

All Day FORECAST Seemingly destined partnerships will contain mutual trust accompanied by devotion. ADVICE However, there are differences in religion or philosophy recently discovered. Venus Square Saturn

9 PM CST FORECAST The accent is on sincerity and inner turmoil resolution. ADVICE Calm the soul and mind via deep breathing. A special search will be productive. Mercury stations returns to direct motion


Tuesday, January 2

Earth at Perihelion 6:30 PM CST

12 AM-6 AM CST FORECAST The forces of nature are active within each person and in the environment. ADVICE This could be the reason for some provocative behavior, so don’t take brisk remarks personally! Moon square Mercury

5:45 AM-11:45 AM CST FORECAST Animism—Life Force in everything– or Pantheism—omnipresent, widely distributed godliness– could be a way to characterize nature. ADVICE Perhaps frame the earth and all its seasons as a divine personality for easy access and comprehension… also better storytelling. Moon opposed Neptune

1:15 PM-7:15 PM CST FORECAST There are premonitions about choosing locations. Place-setting or spatial arrangements are prioritized. ADVICE Lessons in Geomancy and/or ‘Feng Shui’ and/or magnetic ’pull’ or ‘draw’ are important. Moon square Mars


Wednesday, January 3

6:30 PM Wednesday -12:30 AM Thursday CST FORECAST Current are estimations on longevity and survival are done via a wide range of issues. ADVICE Tool use and engineering take a part in legends and lore to bring on a wild re-telling! Moon square Sun last quarter moon


Thursday, January 4

All Day FORECAST It’s a watered-down day! There are few events, a lull time, and less than usual traction. ADVICE Take a break from the action and sit this one out. Moon VOID of geocentric configs


Friday, January 5

2:45 AM-8:45 AM CST FORECAST Events of the day resemble a zigzag path. ADVICE Monitor the potent politics reshaping culture. Moon square Pluto

2:30 PM-8:30 PM CST FORECAST This is the right time for hosting events. It’s lots of fun; people are crowding in! ADVICE Dress up and bring sound-makers, musical instruments, and gifts. Moon opposed Jupiter


Saturday, January 6

4:30 PM- 10:30 PM CST FORECAST Science laws can manifest as a proponent of humans or an assault detrimental to them. Your own research helps inform which way various experiments are going. ADVICE Surprises and synchronicity make this episode vivid and meaningful. Moon opposed Uranus

Highlights January 2024

 January 9-13 FORECAST Planning is conducted with the utmost care, savvy sense. ADVICE Utilize all that the 21st century culture has to offer!Combine all apropos traditions for mass appeal New Moon Phase

January 18-22 FORECAST Circumstances reveal what is normally hidden– but powerful—in people, places, and things. ADVICE This treasure hunt or bounty search is enhanced via altruistic motives. Gain help/support via demos of how the plan or project benefits others. Sun Conjunct Pluto

January 23-27 Busy events and a holiday for the work force could include teamwork incentives. A missed adventure or educational opportunities entre can get back on the list later. ADVICE Beware of over promising for example excess generosity or exaggeration. Extravagance is tempting now. Full Moon Phase square Jupiter

January 27 FORECAST A focus on the future, all things scientific and technological with extra confidence and excitement. Other plosive elements are the benefits of group alliances. If you get in over your head ask for expert input regarding new skills and innovations. ADVICE Also every club, community or class will have an initiation process so ask about codes and customs! Uranus stationary returns to direct motion @ 19 Taurus


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