August 2023



By Victoria Martin




Highlights for August

July 30 – August 3 FORECAST In the surge of activities there are many opportunities. ADVICE Pick the winners! Of special interest are options that carry wisdom and inspire good health practices. Full Moon Phase square Jupiter


August 14 – 18 FORECAST New start-up choices and initiatory options are at the discretion of leaders. But could entail ‘Special Interest Groups’ and misc active clusters of talent. ADVICE Inventive and charismatic–but not quirky–are smart guidelines. New Moon Phase Square Uranus


August 21-23 FORECAST An odd timeframe/episode wherein conflict comes from misunderstanding holding back a defensive response could create peace. ADVICE Many people are hypersensitive relationships are strained; the best bet is to do or say something harmony-promoting. Mars opposed Neptune


August 23 – September 15 FORECAST A focus on research about the powers of nature with goals to improve life quality. ADVICE Crash courses and marathon practical applications — done now — can serve well for much time to come. Mercury Stationary on Aug 23 moves retrograde till Sep 15


August 28 – September 1 FORECAST Outcomes yield status increase but also responsibility. ADVICE A show of talent and discipline includes rich content and good timing. The best possible performance and acting in the most respectable manner are favored actions now. Full Moon PHASE CONJUNCT Saturn


Sunday, July 30

1st of 5 days FORECAST Drawing on the wisdom of healers, wizards, or shamans. Pageantry and parades depict heroes from history or local good deeds. ADVICE Examine organizations including coalescing effects i.e. what causes people to band together. Full Moon Phase


Monday, July 31

2nd of 5 days FORECAST Instructive, vivid examples of hierarchy include stories from the Pandemic years. ADVICE What was learned via media, close relationship enhancements, and health realms can all be made into an updated living philosophy. Full Moon Phase

6:15 PM Monday – 12:15 AM Tuesday CDT FORECAST What is potent — but usually hidden– emerges or motives and secret passions become obvious. Powers or aspirations are easier to detect. ADVICE Respect hierarchies, abide by the rules of the system, and adapt to set procedures. Do abide by meaningful rituals. Moon Conjunct Pluto

Tuesday, August 1

3rd of 5 days FORECAST A rush of options and opportunities need sorting. Peer group, luck, and talent are helpful factors in terms of increasing success odds ADVICE Wisdom and a special mystique are needed to gain beneficial results.  Some teachings use intuition, gut feel are automatic protectors! Full Moon Phase


All Day FORECAST Here’s a time for a serious, focused study on a goal or assignment. ADVICE The best bets are: get in cahoots with VIPs, experts, and authority figures. Mercury opposed Saturn


5:30 PM – 11:30 PM CDT FORECAST Ideal conditions for wisdom generating and mystic awareness are a good start. However, they are asked to update, reposition, or adjust. ADVICE Fortunate life plans include ample networking and choosing winners. Moon Square Jupiter


Wednesday, August 2

4th of 5 days FORECAST Successful interventions can chill out some developing theatrics or tragedies. Celebrations and pageantry are priorities. Some are gripping or grabbing attention for good or ill. ADVICE Use beneficial sensors as a guide and stay away from gossipers. Full Moon Phase

7:45 AM – 1:45 PM CDT FORECAST It’s exciting to upgrade media, learn new tricks, or enter into a futuristic mode. ADVICE Go for a unique slant because novelty is favored now. Moon Square Uranus

1:15 PM – 7:15 PM CDT FORECAST Agreeable and charming demeanor could mask or hide an inner story. The twists and turns of a story’s plots: hero and anti-hero are dizzying. ADVICE Sometimes it is best to be a chameleon. By blending in an opportunist could get more out of life situations! Moon opposed Venus

All Day FORECAST Everyone is feeling the results of past personal deeds! Checking in on individual emotional reactions to news items is natural. ADVICE This is a supercharged time and comments or reactions are intense. Moon at perigee

Thursday, August 3

5th of 5 days FORECAST We are all referencing to peace and calm or craving stable elements. The full moon always yields hectic and meaningful experiences. ADVICE In this case, events take on the ring of fate or tone of destiny. Full Moon Phase


4 AM – 10 AM CDT FORECAST VIPs, authorities, and philosophers figure strongly in today’s activities. ADVICE Interact with people and discuss potent topics as much as possible. Demonstrate poise and dignity even in the face of controversy. Moon Conjunct Saturn

7 AM – 1 PM CDT FORECAST There’s a lot of discussion and improvisation regarding the topics of what is ideal, mystic, or glamorous. This influences goals. ADVICE There is much thought about how to manifest the aim of perfection realistically. Moon opposed Mercury

7:15 PM Thursday – 1:15 AM Friday CDT FORECAST Hands-on and embodied describes current experiences. A moral compass is a tool for best orientation. ADVICE Agree to compete! Use fairness but be as strong as possible. Moon opposed Mars


Friday, August 4

6 PM Friday – 12 AM Saturday CDT FORECAST We get a sense of the all-encompassing potency of nature. This is in terms of the psyche state and also from stories and symbols. ADVICE It’s dazzling to see some land and sea dramas in the big picture. That deep experience calls for an open soul. Moon Conjunct Neptune 

Saturday, August 5

1st of 3 days FORECAST Opportunist abilities are put to the test! We all benefit from suitable affiliations. No one group defines a person so that’s why multiple memberships are optimum. ADVICE Are you high profile within an organization? If so, maximize your best options for interaction, education, and fellowship. Sun Square Jupiter


Sunday, August 6

2nd of 5 days FORECAST It makes sense to be setting up camp in a fortunate way. This could involve adjusting positions frequently. We are all juggling lots of offers. ADVICE Pick the winners and drop those that are less promising options. Sun Square Jupiter

5 PM – 11 PM CDT FORECAST Options for teamwork could benefit creation and boost optimism. They are provided/embedded in today’s activities! ADVICE Participate and enhance good fortune. This could be a turning point for those who will handle it well. Moon Conjunct north Moon’s Node aka Benefits


8:15 PM Sunday – 2:15 AM Monday CDT FORECAST Joining together in unusual or vivid scenes is controversial. ADVICE Political awareness would help. A willingness to transform according to what is needed is even better. Moon Square Pluto 

Monday, August 7

3rd of 5 days FORECAST Fitting new ideas and characters within a proverbial story enhance usefulness. Appealing looks add to a good plot, but glamour may not be the best long-term selection. ADVICE Choose the most sustainable manners, products, plans, and management personnel. Sun Square Jupiter


Tuesday, August 8

12:15 AM – 6:15 AM CDT FORECAST A Day full of optimistic ideas or fun and interesting opportunities present themselves. ADVICE Take advantage of all options that hold good potential. Moon Conjunct Jupiter.

2:30 AM – 8:30 AM CDT FORECAST It seems time for a review of what has happened during the last three weeks. Choices on the projects, commitments, or agreements will favor those that show merit. ADVICE Consider what will deserve inclusion in the future it may be time to package and present them. Moon Square Sun

3:45 PM – 9:45 PM CDT FORECAST This is the monthly peak day for innovation, technological revolution, and/or genius-level work manifestations. ADVICE Quirky or manic behavior could indicate a higher intelligence or just an odd personality complex. Moon Conjunct Uranus

4:15 PM – 10:15 PM CDT FORECAST Many cults, cliques, and communities call out for appealing makeovers in terms of public image. A group ensemble or collective has its own mystique. ADVICE Leadership needs freshening and/or special interest groups require branding. To improve the situation cast a wide net to catch some new leaders and marketing agents who fit the needs. Moon Square Venus

Wednesday, August 9

All Day FORECAST Backtracking to encapsulate, rescue, or harvest talented people and those with leadership potential. The test is to show talents and skills, in technology, science, or networking. ADVICE Demonstrations and workshops sharpen abilities or distill potency. Charismatic enhancements and future appeal are important. Venus retrograde Square Uranus THE NEXT ONE is SEP 29

2:45 PM – 8:45 PM CDT FORECAST Heroic figures and noble deeds will fit the bill. Revealing deep wisdom will command respect. ADVICE Mystique, mystery, and or glamour will make everything work. Moon Square Saturn


Thursday, August 10

10 AM – 4 PM CDT FORECAST Fame does not come easily…the public or community is seeking figureheads. Helping hands and performance strength are in demand. ADVICE Favored are those who provide/are direction indicators! Follow the omen detectors, indicators, and compass points Moon Square Mercury

6:30 PM Thursday-12:30 AM Friday CDT FORECAST Therapy and regeneration could happen via harnessing nature’s beauty, power, and potency elements. Expect some pushback, resistance or cross-purposes, or conflicts in spite of good intentions. ADVICE It’s optimum to package all of this into an experience, lesson, or reoccurring dosage. Moon Square Mars

 Friday, August 11

9:30 AM – 3:30 PM CDT FORECAST The perfection of a mystic or aesthetic experience is possible! ADVICE Document what happens through stories told, a media production, or theatrical historic enactments. Moon Square Neptune


Saturday, August 12

12 AM – 2 PM CDT FORECAST Easy-going and mostly positive would describe the mood of the day. ADVICE This is a good time to consult experts and authorities. Moon Trine Saturn Sun Trine Chiron


Sunday, August 13

All Day FORECAST It’s time to gather the goods and/or reel in the harvest. ADVICE Zero in on what is the message or moral to bring home. This instruction benefits leaders of all kinds. Sun Conjunct Venus

11:45 PM Sunday – 5:45 AM Monday CDT FORECAST Checking in with street smarts is the way to usher in a new era. ADVICE Partner up with strategists, politicians, financiers, and or therapists to maximize effectiveness. Use sage wisdom at every turn. Moon opposed Pluto 

Monday, August 14

1st of 5 days FORECAST A new phase of charismatic leadership is on the horizon. ADVICE Include analyses of innovations, opportunities, and activism to assist choices. New Moon Phase


Tuesday, August 15

8:45 AM – 2:45 PM CDT FORECAST Here is access to archives, historic collections, and precious items. It’s overwhelming in relevance, potency, or sheer beauty. ADVICE Juggle test runs, do case analysis, and make presentations. Audition new prospects. Moon Square Jupiter

4:45 PM – 10:45 PM CDT FORECAST Gathering or highlighting dynamic attributes is favored. ADVICE This is especially true if the intent is to put people, places, or things in the best light. Moon Conjunct Venus retrograde

2nd of 5 days FORECAST It seems time to be setting up important attractions and features. ADVICE The purpose is to enhance leadership and power up the steering committees. New Moon Phase

All Day FORECAST Resistance to new, different, or unique elements may be a fear-based defense. If so, it is worth reconsidering. ADVICE Use science, technology, and genius when and where appropriate. Sun Square Uranus

Wednesday, August 16

1 AM – 7 AM CDT FORECAST Surprise developments pop up within leadership. Expect a restructuring that can go well if based on expert recommendations. ADVICE Follow the signs and indications along the way. Moon Square Uranus

3rd of 5 days FORECAST Here is a day for decisions regarding plots, plans, and strategies. Expect some tense moments. ADVICE Ride through them with faith in yourself and a little help from your associates. New Moon Phase


Thursday, August 17

12:30 AM – 6:30 AM CDT FORECAST The mood inclines to be chilly, non-sentimental, or pragmatic. ADVICE Do the best you can in spite of leanings to excessive rationalism. Expect analysis, be a good sport, and make criticism constructive. Moon opposed Saturn

4th of 5 days FORECAST Many groups settled on choices regarding plans, leadership, and activism. ADVICE Pick actions that attract effective administrators, instigators, and motivators New Moon Phase

9 AM – 3 PM CDT FORECAST Here is the time for facts, data, ideas, and discussions. ADVICE Build or boost thinking and use an enhanced mode for research. ADVICE Make contacts, reach out, and take notes. Moon Conjunct Mercury

5th of 5 days FORECAST Practical considerations will assist planning. ADVICE Signs of growth will start budding and this will encourage the workers. New Moon Phase

Friday, August 18

7 PM Friday – 1 AM Saturday CDT FORECAST This is a time that is perfect for action and assertion. Physical strength is needed. ADVICE Follow the signs, especially those emerging from nature, the season’s cycle, and popular culture. Moon Conjunct Mars

10 PM Friday – 4 AM Saturday CDT FORECAST Strong psychic impressions and sensitivity could pay off with the right teamwork/input. ADVICE Use mystic insights, grab some magic, and use empathy. Dreams, mythology, and legends or folklore are also appropriate catalysts. Moon opposed Neptune


Saturday, August 19

12:45 AM – 6:45 AM CDT FORECAST Success in small things has a transformational, encouraging effect. ADVICE Take a dip into nature’s vast reservoir for refreshment. Moon Trine Pluto


Sunday, August 20

7:15 PM Sunday – 1:15 AM Monday CDT FORECAST Healing, teaching, and training in small bites are progressive. ADVICE Combine instinct and intellect to make a dialog meaningful, Moon opposed Chiron

 Monday, August 21

10:15 AM – 4:15 PM CDT FORECAST We will all reap-in rewards and get feedback. Some of the bounty and response are cultural or science-sourced or group related. ADVICE Meet any fame reward with a modest reception and accept criticism gracefully. Moon Conjunct Karma aka South Moon’s Node

12:15 PM – 6:15 PM CDT FORECAST Likely to emerge are critiques of modern culture. ADVICE The new features are contrasted to the show of classic art forms, literature, and scientific discoveries. Moon Square Pluto

1st of 3 days FORECAST Here is a bit of confusion as well as a cavalier attitude. Careless handling of chemicals is a liability. ADVICE This haphazard condition can escalate error or produce great art and poetry. Enhance inspiration and prevent disaster. Mars opposed Neptune

Tuesday, August 22

All Day FORECAST Gratitude for small gifts and little pleasures will be appropriate. ADVICE Yet others are unsatisfied and wish for bigger aesthetic and sensory fulfillment. This could easily go too far. Venus Square Jupiter

2nd of 3 days FORECAST Scouting out new adventures and novel experiences can bring a poetic insight or spiritual revelation. ADVICE Like a vivid dream that is disturbing sleep some symbolic scenes are disorienting. Extra stability may be needed. Mars opposed Neptune

8:15 PM Tuesday – 2:15 AM Wednesday CDT FORECAST Commercial knack includes riding the wave of festivals, parades, and historic enactments. ADVICE Even though this is borrowing prestige—i.e. the product may not relate to the event’s theme– the exposure may increase sales. Moon Square Venus

8:45 PM Tuesday – 2:45 AM Wednesday CDT FORECAST The quest is to satisfy a need for joy, education, and/or adventure. ADVICE Also worth considering are prosperity measures and enhanced fame both of which are possible now. Moon opposed Jupiter

Wednesday, August 23

3rd of 3 days FORECAST Wild flights of fancy are offered, but a milder version could serve better. ADVICE Pay attention to the job at hand. Then when done it’s okay to indulge in distractions. Mars opposed Neptune

11:15 AM – 5:15 PM CDT FORECAST Innovations or surprises bring about healing or inspire special insights. ADVICE Use unique combinations, improvements, and guidance from special interest groups’ expertise. Tap into the results of think tanks, focus groups, or brainstorms. Moon opposed Uranus

3 PM CDT FORECAST Stop for a moment and strategize matters of signal sending. Of special interest on the receiving end are the needs of children. ADVICE Language that gets through to workers is an essential tool. Be ready to perform and marathon mode through mid-September. Mercury Stationary turns to retrograde motion Till SEP 15


Thursday, August 24

2 AM – 8 AM CDT FORECAST Regal and respected leaders seek team members and close relationships. Trailblazers and pioneers are sought as well. ADVICE Effective promotional propaganda is ideally based on deep meaning. Decisions are pending on what to build up and what to put on hold for now. Moon Square Sun First Quarter moon sighting is at the sky’s ZENITH DURING sunset near yesterday, today, and Tomorrow!

7:30 AM – 1:30 PM CDT FORECAST Here likely is felt a mercenary approach, that is, a do-or-die attitude. This could use some wisdom input like compassion for self and others. ADVICE Follow rules of traditions even in familiar circumstances for example respect close friends or family members. Moon Square Saturn

Friday, August 25

2:45 PM – 8:45 PM CDT FORECAST Examining sarcasm could reveal more mystery, real truth, or mere irony. ADVICE Even if the message is simplistic, be clear in your communications. Ideas and people are moving fast now, so caution can prevent errors and misunderstandings. Moon Square Mercury

11:45 PM Friday – 5:45 AM Saturday CDT FORECAST Being in the center of a gravity zone is the feel of events. There is attention to attractive ideas or to what is the draw boosting attendance to a place or event. This is fertile ground for fantasy and mystique. ADVICE Stay within reasonable limits, be aware of subtle clues, and get home before too late. Moon Square Neptune


Saturday, August 26

4 AM – 10 AM CDT FORECAST This timeframe events have the feel of densely packed situations. Too much action, vivid effects, or lots of people could bring conflict. ADVICE Avoid needless clashes, use a polite demeanor, and employ tolerance as well as preventative self-defense. Moon Square Mars

Sunday, August 27

All Day FORECAST VIP partnerships and demos of mutual respect between team members are featured. ADVICE Practice give-and-take and emphasize generosity. A benevolent spirit will reap many rewards. Sun opposed Saturn


Monday, August 28

3:45 AM – 9:45 AM CDT FORECAST Here is the time to be digging deep into the psyche, politics, or sexuality in order to turn up ulterior hardwired motives. The result is a full comprehension and perhaps mastery of the situation. ADVICE Reflections on the past few pandemic years make this current era look better in terms of profound lessons learned. Moon Conjunct Pluto

1st of 5 days FORECAST Today begins a five-day sequence containing options for a soulful tally. This will uncover the truth and designate teachers. ADVICE A practical common demeanor serves us well during this phase. The Full moon is excessive at times and heightens the drama. Full Moon Phase

9:30 PM CDT FORECAST Fixation on what the next great thing will be especially interested in the role of groups, technology, and science. A mania for acting out a fantasy is likely to occur. ADVICE Brace yourself for deep psyche developments. These– along with brilliant ideas– are bursting forth this week. Uranus Stations turn to retrograde motion Till January 27 

Tuesday, August 29

3 AM – 9 AM CDT FORECAST A new truce or special diplomacy action brings friendships and prosperity. Special healing ideas are embedded into stories, legends, and dramas. ADVICE Extract what is useful and meaningful for you. Moon opposed Venus

7:15 AM – 1:15 PM CDT FORECAST Discovery of wisdom and extract of ancient mystique will add gravitas to an adventure. ADVICE Education is via a class or a themed spectrum of assignments. That should attract participants, an audience, or volunteers. Moon Square Jupiter

2nd of 5 days FORECAST Drama accompanies traditional demonstrations and faithful renditions. An active career path brings on colorful theatrics. ADVICE Attend to wise folks, elders, and mentors. Be realistic and ready to audition. Demonstrate your skill set. Full Moon Phase

7 PM Tuesday – 1 AM Wednesday CDT FORECAST Lucky options and occurrences reveal awkward edges and odd behavior. Eccentricity can also be endearing. ADVICE Find a way to make geeky people popular! A charm school assignment is a good work and very interesting in character formation. Moon Square Uranus 

Wednesday, August 30

All Day FORECAST Emotions are potent and gut feelings are intense. The ground is shifting. ADVICE Stay cool and remain in balance. Avoid chaotic situations. Moon at Perigee

11:30 AM – 5:30 PM CDT FORECAST A very serious time frame brings instruction as well as corrections. Impart teachings in an empathetic way. ADVICE The mood is supercharged and may get a little grim. But the call for full participation is worthwhile. Moon Conjunct Saturn

3rd of 5 days FORECAST Creation of paradise even if temporary is a noble option/offering. The experience of something divine suits everyone well. ADVICE Here’s a great time to use discipline and or structured methods to attain great things. Artistic, literary, or scientific manifestations are among the potential benefits. Full Moon Phase


Thursday, August 31

11:30 AM – 5:30 PM CDT FORECAST Emerging forcefully now are challenges to the normal. An unexpected point of view comes out during debates; some are helpful. ADVICE A wide range of options is dazzling. Use good judgment to take on what you can handle but do as much as possible. Moon opposed Mercury retrograde

4th of 5 days FORECAST There’s continued development of drama and some are goal-changing scenes. ADVICE Stay fully present! Important events are happening: legendary or potent and capable of catalyzing great accomplishments/noble things. Full Moon Phase 

Friday, September 1

12:15 AM – 6:15 AM CDT FORECAST The picture is transcendent and confusing. An active imagination is in effect. ADVICE Keep in balance and practice good sleep hygiene for an optimistic mental outlook. Moon Conjunct Neptune

10:45 AM – 4:45 PM CDT FORECAST Contests of strength and trials regarding independence are in process. Communities find new rallying points. ADVICE Group physical activity helps to unify and streamline rough edges. Moon opposed Mars

5th of 5 days FORECAST Intense feelings and psychodramas continue. The psyche in all its glory is hyperactive. ADVICE Self-protection is helpful. Engage in strength/flexibility training for a healthy body, clear mind, and deep soul. Full Moon Phase

Saturday, September 2

1:15 AM – 7:15 AM CDT FORECAST All’s well that resolves happily. Results are proof that.

Emotional discipline is golden. ADVICE Good manners are especially useful during a gritty full moon like the one experienced during the past few days. Moon Trine Venus


Sunday, September 3

12-6 PM FORECAST A sense of calling or heroic purposefulness is compelling. ADVICE Team Building is favored especially when made up of people with complementary talents! Moon Conjunct North Node aka Benefits.


Highlights for September and October 

September 12-16 FORECAST Partnerships of all sorts highlight/encounter contrasts in beliefs and different takes on science. ADVICE Use glamour and mystique! Select that which grabs attention, promises results, or furthers appeal. Talent scouting is paramount; choose what or who can do the job best. New Moon Phase opposed Neptune


September 26-30 FORECAST Expect vivid dramas that entertain and challenge! They emerge from high and low i.e. classic arts and pop cultures are sources. ADVICE Appreciate the transcendent and revelatory providence of visual, musical, or literary immersion but sidestep the inebriating or hallucinatory properties. Full Moon Phase conjunct Neptune


October 7-9 FORECAST Gathering the tribe could have an enhanced, broader meaning. ADVICE Ethnic kinship is one potential unifying factor. Others could be altruistic missions, cultural affinities or aesthetic preferences. Mars square Pluto


October 12-16 FORECAST This solar eclipse might ask these questions: ‘did you learn the health lessons from the pandemic regarding the immune system? Also ‘are you sophisticated–21st century-style– in media and socially?’ ADVICE Adopt vitality and fitness enhancers! Also, digital money and online communications savvy. New Moon Phase approaching a square Pluto contains a solar eclipse oct 14


October 27-29 FORECAST Success with an enterprise, expansion, and productivity depends on teamwork. ADVICE Solid sources and good products are ideally coupled with charm and commercial savvy. Mars opposed Jupiter


October 26-30 FORECAST Here’s a lucky range of options laid put. Or access to fortunate revelations regarding education, sports/games, and travel! ADVICE Extra optimism felt may be legit or the returns, feedback and results take a while to register them to confirm or deny. Full Moon Phase contains a lunar eclipse Oct 28