Classic Chicago Media Kit 2021
A Meals On Wheels


Banner Top of All pages 770×120 Pixels

(rotated between 3 advertisers)


Box (same spot) All pages  230×230 Pixels


Double Box(same spot) All pages230x460 Pixels


Triple Box Skyscraper (same spot All pages  230x 690 pixels


Big Square at bottom of Home Page * flexible pixel -stating at 1000 Pixels


E-blast on Sunday


An ad is placed in the same slot on all pages.


Rates are per month, NET.
We accept Flash (gif/jpg backup required)
Static, Third-Party Rich Med

Native Advertising

Showcase in Classic Chicago magazine

Showcase is a new native advertising category, which will appear from time to time in Classic Chicago. Examples may be seen in the Classic Chicago Archives by going to the right margin of any page of the publication and scrolling down to the black ribbon, then clicking on Showcase, or can be found in the Columns section at the top of any page.

The advertiser supplies subject matter, information, and visuals, but the feature is written by either Editor Judy Carmack Bross or Publisher Megan McKinney to give the piece style and prestige, as well as to maintain editorial consistency.

This privilege is available to current Classic Chicago advertisers. Showcase and its role as native advertising are thoroughly transparent—much like The New York Times FROM OUR ADVERTISERS—and will carry the following explanatory note at the end:   Showcase is a designated section of Classic Chicago in which valued advertisers convey timely messages to view

There are many custom options that can be suited for your campaign needs.  All plans are custom and pricing can be negotiated.  Inquire, and we can explore where you are at, what you need, and what we can do for you.

Kay Whitfield (312) 545 -3289